Archive for » 2009 «

Wednesday, November 04th, 2009 | Author:

Okay this was one of those things that always annoyed me, but I never really put any effort into fixing.

At work we have *REALLY* long shares on our network so when I would open up explorer or anything I would see:

This_Is_A_Dumb_Share_Name on ‘Server Description goes here (servername)’ (Q:)

Well that means the left pane of my explorer window had to be huge before I could see that the drive letter on that was “Q”    Very annoying.

Well you can change this behaviour very easily with a registry key.  (Only tested in XP)

Create a new REG_DWORD here:


Name this new REG_DWORD “ShowDriveLettersFirst”


0= Show drive letters after description (default)

1 = Show drive letters first only on network drives, local drives show after

2 = Don’t display a drive letter (WHAT?!  Why would you do that?!)

4 = Show drive letters before descriptions

So set the value to 4.   Restart and there you go!

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Monday, October 12th, 2009 | Author:

I’m not really sure what it is called, but when people combine two words where the last letter of the first word and the first letter of the second word are the same they sometimes just use one letter.

I *HATE* that…

This seems to happen pretty often for software for some reason… I guess someone thinks it is witty or that they are saving tons of money by omitting one letter or something…


It isn’t Updat Expert nor is it Update xpert… Just put the other damned “e” in there!

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Sunday, October 11th, 2009 | Author:

I guess I’ve never really seen much in the way of performance art that actually impressed me or struck me as real art.  I guess everything I’ve seen was just some guy throwing paint at a canvas…where seeing it being made didn’t really add anything…  The only performance art I ever really liked was Bob Ross, but I guess that was really more instructional rather than performance… well anyways…

This is f’ing awesome…

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Friday, September 11th, 2009 | Author:

Okay the original song from Feist is very catchy and really sticks in my head… but this version from Sesame Street sticks in my head even more than the original one.

1…2…3…4 chickens just back from the shore…

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Friday, July 31st, 2009 | Author:

Okay… I always thought that pagodas looked pretty cool, but I don’t think I ever really knew anything beyond the “look” of them.

Turns out that they’re actually pretty interesting.  Of the hundreds of pagodas in Japan only 2 are known to have collapsed or fallen over.  Many more have been burned down or destroyed, but that doesn’t count!

So their question in this article is why…  turns out it is a pretty interesting structure that is really held together (level by level) by gravity and the levels themselves are only held together by loose joints…  Then in the middle of the pagoda is something called a “shinbashira” which is apparently a large tree trunk sort of thing that sounds like it serves multiple purposes… 1) provide weight to help gravity hold things together and 2) to counterbalance movements of the different levels…

That’s pretty friggin cool really… now I want to go see one…

Take a minute to read this…it is really pretty cool…

Economist Article on pagodas

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